Bibliografía y webgrafía Marasmius oreades

1. Esteve Raventós F, Llistosella Vidal J, Ortega Díaz A. Setas de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. Madrid: Ediciones Jaguar; 1102p.

2. Oltra M. Monografías de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid. Origen de los nombres científicos de los hongos. 2ª edición. Madrid: Real Jardín Botánico; 2003. 160p.
3. Tarazona I. Anillos de hadas o corros de brujas [Amigos de los hongos]. 2015 [citado el 12 de mayo de 2015]. Recuperado a partir de:

4. Moreno G, Manjón JL, editores. Guía de hongos de la Península Ibérica. Barcelona: Ediciones Omega; 1417p.

5. Juillot S, Cott C, Madl J, Claudinon J, Van den Velden NSJ, Künzler M, et al. Uptake of Marasmius oreades agglutinin disrupts integrin-dependent cell adhesion. BBA-GEN SUBJECTS. 2016; 1860 (2): 392-401.

6. C Winter H, Mostafapour K, J Goldstein I. The Mushroom Marasmius oreades Lectin Is a Blood Group Type B Agglutinin That Recognizes the Gal1,3 Gal and Gal1,3Gal1,4GlcNAc Porcine Xenotransplantation Epitopes with High Affinity. J BIOL CHEM. 2002; 277 (17):14996–15001.

7. M Grahn E, C Winter H, Tateno H, J Goldstein I, Krengel U. Structural Characterization of a Lectin from the Mushroom Marasmius oreades in Complex with the Blood Group B Trisaccharide and Calcium. J Mol Biol. 2009; 390 (3): 457–466.

8. Cordara G, Van Eerde A, M Grahn E, C Winter H, J Goldstein I,Krengel U. An Unusual Member of the Papain Superfamily: Mapping the Catalytic Cleft of the Marasmius oreades agglutinin (MOA) with a Caspase Inhibitor. Plos one. 2016; 11 (2):e0149407. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149407. ECollection 2016.

9. Grahn E, Askarieh G, Holmner Å, Tateno H, C Winter H, J Goldstein I, et al. Crystal Structure of the Marasmius Oreades Mushroom Lectin in Complex with a Xenotransplantation Epitope.J Mol Biol. 2007; 369 (3):710-21.

10. Melgar MJ, Alonso J, García MA. Mercury in edible mushrooms and underlying soil: Bioconcentration factors and toxicological risk. Sci Total Environ. 2009; 407 (20):5328-34.

11. Melgar MJ, Alonso J, García MA. Cadmium in edible mushrooms from NW Spain: Bioconcentration factors and consumer health implications. Food and Chem Toxicol. 2016; 88: 13-20.

12. Sesli E, Tuzen M, Soylak M. Evaluation of trace metal contents of some wild edible mushrooms from Black sea region, Turkey. J Hazard Mater. 2008; 160 (2-3):462-7.

13. García MA, Alonso J, Melgar MJ. Lead in edible mushrooms: Levels and bioaccumulation factors. J Hazard Mater. 2009; 167 (1-3):777-83.

14. Piepponen S, Liukkonen-Lilja H, Kuusi T. The selenium content of edible mushroom in Finland. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch. 1983; 177 (4):257-60.

15. Svoboda L, Zimmermannová K, Kalac P. Concentrations of mercury, cadmium, lead and copper in fruiting bodies of edible mushrooms in an emission area of a copper smelter and a mercury smelter. Sci Total Environ. 2000; 246 (1):61-7.

16. Marekov I, Momchilova S, Grung B, Nikolova-Damyanova B. Fatty acid composition of wild mushroom species of order Agaricales--examination by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and chemometrics. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2012; 910: 54-60.

17. Vetter J. Chemische Zusammensetzung von acht eBbaren Pilzarten. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch. 1993; 196: 224-227.

18. D Petrova R, Mahajna J, P Wasser S, Ruimi L, M Denchev C, Sussan S, et al. Marasmius oreades substances block NF-jB activity through interference with IKK activation pathway. Mol Biol Rep. 2009; 36: 737-744.